Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Does Jesus Know YOU?

And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
7:23 ESV)
#WHATisYourWHY? #3D3N www.MrBATMAN.com

The Berisheet Passover Prophecy

113 subscribers

The Berisheet Passover Prophecy. A Prophecy Of Messiah In The Passover.
Full 65 Minute Video (Which I Highly Recommend) Can Be Viewed At This Link:

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Is the End of Days Prophesied in the First Word of the Bible?

25K subscribers

Visit https://rockislandbooks.com/the-beris... to purchase the book.
Did God reveal to the prophet Isaiah a clue as to where we might find the very first and most amazing prophecy in the bible?
Authored by C.J. Lovik.

The Mystery in the Hebrew Word 'Torah'

That word laws used here is Torah, giving us not only the idea that blessing comes through obedience to it, but that its essence existed even before Moses would be born and before the Torah would be given to Moses on the mountain of Elohim. 
The Hebrew letters for Torah are Tav Vav Reysh Hey.
Tav means to seal or to covenant and is a picture of crossed wooden sticks or a cross.
Vav means to join together or to bind together and is a picture of a wooden hook or peg or an iron nail. 
Reysh is a picture of the head and stands for the leader or the master or the prince. 
Hey means to behold or to pay attention to what follows and is a picture of a man looking up. 
This is the amazing mystery in the Hebrew word Torah that Elohim has given us. The letters tell us to behold the prince who is fastened to a wooden cross. The word Torah contains a picture of the Messiah who is to come, Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, and shows us that He will die on a cross. 

End-Time Patterns in Prophecy

24.9K subscribers

Subscribe for free Hebrew Word Studies! http://bit.ly/2pVfbyT
Did you know that the Hebrew language was actually three languages in one? From the very beginning, the Ancient Hebrew language has had a conventional understanding, but also a pictographic and numeric value. Each Hebrew letter represents a different ideogram, and thus words are anchored in their ancient roots.
Join author C.J. Lovik on an adventure to explore the majesty found in the word of the LORD, hidden just underneath the surface of the text!

"Elohim" in ancient Hebrew!

24.9K subscribers
Subscribe for free Hebrew Word Studies! http://bit.ly/2p4xgrz
Did you know that the Hebrew language was actually three languages in one? From the very beginning, the Ancient Hebrew language has had a conventional understanding, but also a pictographic and numeric value. Each Hebrew letter represents a different ideogram, and thus words are anchored in their ancient roots.
Join author C.J. Lovik on an adventure to explore the majesty found in the word of the LORD, hidden just underneath the surface of the text!

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