SABBATH SCHOOL - Video Class List

Sabbath School - The Sabbath Covenant

LINK to Sabbath Research Document LINK to Lesson Guide Are you curious about the Sabbath's significance and relevance in modern times? J...

Sabbath School Calendar

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Romans 12 TWF Bible Study


Romans 12 TWF Bible Study

Thursday, November 3, 2022

202211 MrBATMAN vs Aron Ra

This is the end of a debate with a pretty popular atheist... 

I am at a loss to understand why this guy has a following, but he does... 

This is a link to the person I was debating: 

#aronra #mrbatman #LessonsInTruth #MrBATMAN #REPENTorPERISH #WHATisYourWHY? #3D3N

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