SABBATH SCHOOL - Video Class List

Sabbath School - The Sabbath Covenant

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Sabbath School Calendar

Monday, December 30, 2019

Truth Or Tradition - Jim Staley

Jim Staley Teachings22.6K subscribers

Pastor Jim Staley teaches on Truth or Tradition. Should Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter? It sounds sacrilegious to even ask the question, doesn't it? You might be surprised to find out that God actually has an opinion when you consider the origins of these holidays...and that opinion might not be what you expect! "Well, that's not what it means to me", most people say. But since when does it matter what it means to us! We are not the ones being worshipped!
Originally featured on God's Learning Channel, this teaching examines the most shocking historical origins of Christianity's most sacred holidays and will leave you desiring God's truth like never before! Find out where Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Christmas trees, and many more holiday traditions actually come from and what the Scriptures say about them. Learn what is "truth" and what is "tradition." After all...The Father is only looking for those who worship in both Spirit and Truth!

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Why Hanukkah IS Biblical

Triumph In Truth10.5K subscribers


There has been an argument proposed that Hanukkah is NOT biblical and shouldn’t be celebrated by believers.

This video points out how Hanukkah IS completely biblical and its message is powerfully prophetic and important to the believer today. Without an understanding of the prophetic meaning of Hanukkah the believer is blind to end time events.

Thank you for watching Triumph In Truth. We hope you enjoyed this video! Please help us get the word out by sharing these videos on social media! 

If you feel led to give to help support our media ministry, click on the link below. 

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel to view more videos like this! 

The version you see on the newer videos is "The Scriptures" from the Institute Of Scripture Research. The older videos are NKJ. 


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Monday, December 23, 2019

Hanukkah and Christmas are the SAME holiday - with Michael Rood

A Rood Awakening!125K subscribers


Michael Rood explains how these diametrically-opposed celebrations are interrelated... (and how to share the truth when you're wished a "Merry Christmas") READ MORE:

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Understanding The Prophetic Mysteries of Hanukkah

Triumph In Truth10.2K subscribers


It is said that history repeats itself. If we don't learn the lessons of history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. The Bible is filled with patterns. There's nothing new under the sun. The tragic events and the great victory that the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) commemorates will happen again in the future.

In this video, we reveal the events of the past that Yeshua said will be repeated. This is a must view for believers who want to be prepared for the end times and not be deceived by the anti-messiah.

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Eternal Torah

Triumph In Truth9.82K subscribers


The Scripture clearly says that the Torah of Elohim is eternal. If this is true, then why does Christianity say it has been abolished? We find in the Prophetic Scriptures, that the Torah is going to be taught in the Millennial Kingdom. Could it be possible that the Torah has not been abolished and is eternal? This video reveals the truth! Thank you for watching Triumph In Truth. We hope you enjoyed this video! Please help us get the word out by sharing these videos on social media! If you feel led to give to help support our media ministry, click on the link below. 

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel to view more videos like this! The version you see on the newer videos is "The Scriptures" from the Institute Of Scripture Research. The older videos are NKJ. 


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

YESHUA (Jesus) is PROPHESIED in the very FIRST word of the Bible!

El Shaddai Ministries26.3K subscribers


Pastor Mark breaks down the all the layers of the first word of the Bible in the original form (Hebrew) B'reisheet. Yeshua was prophesied in the very first word of the Bible!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Israel and the Church

Ekklesia from 119 Ministries on Vimeo.


There is much talk about Israel and the Church. But who is Israel? Who is the Church? 

What if I were to tell you they were one and the same? 

I know that may sound difficult to hear at first for many. But let’s examine this some. Is Israel just lines on a map? Is Israel those who live within those lines? 

Likewise, is the Church a building? Is the Church all those individuals who attend meetings in that building? So what are the definitions of the words “Church” and “Israel”? 

For a long time we have been told that these two names have different definitions, that they are completely two different entities. 

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