In the second half of the 20th century, with the use of our technological advances, we have discovered that life, at the microscopic level, is literally run and operated by biological machines - much like a sophisticated miniature factory! Dr. James Tour is a synthetic organic chemist, specializing in nanotechnology. His many scientific credentials, first rate laboratory work, numerous awards and hundreds of research publications, rank him among the most knowledgeable people in the world, to speak on this subject. He, and his team of cutting edge experts, is one of only a handful, on the planet, who literally build some of these kinds of molecular machines 'from the ground up.' In this video, he explains how difficult it is for him to create just ONE of these molecular machines with the finest cutting edge technology and intelligent minds of our day! And he elucidates the sheer absurdity of supposing these molecular machines necessary for even the SIMPLEST forms of life, could have naturally formed on their own somehow, somewhere, without a designing intelligence.
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