I AM entirely Holy and completely other there are none before ME and none like ME. Who can question what I have done or what I will do. MY kingdom is eternal and shall exist forever more. I AM the Ruler over the kings of the earth, I AM the Prince of peace, I AM the KING of kings, the Righteous KING, the KING of the Jews, the KING of glory, the KING of the ages, the KING of heaven, and
I AM the LORD of lords, I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I AM the Most High God, your deliverer, your Redeemer and Savior I AM your shield and your strength and your defender. The eternal and everlasting God, I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.
Before ME there was no god formed, neither shall there be after ME… I, even I AM the LORD and beside ME there is no Savior, beside ME there is no God. Angels and heavenly beings worship me upon MY throne, and I will not give MY glory unto another, I will not share MY creation, I AM a jealous God, and a consuming fire.
I AM the Commander of the heavens armies and before ME kingdoms crumble and rulers kneel, I AM safety for the tempted and tried, I have come to set the captives free, to strengthen the weak, to heal the lame, to cause the blind to see. I have come to give you life and breath to breathe, I have come that yea might know ME, I have come that thou might know MY limitless love and endless goodness, MY measureless mercy and never-ending grace.
My forgiveness knows no boundaries and MY acceptance sees no imperfections, no color, no race, no wealth no poverty, in ME you are made clean and though ME you are sanctified, I AM indescribable, incomprehensible, irresistible and invincible.
The heavens cannot contain MY glory, death cannot consume ME, life cannot harass ME, all knees shall bow before ME and MY NAME every tongue will confess, every tongue will confess that I AM the great I AM, every tongue will confess that I am God of gods.
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