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Friday, May 18, 2018

Another New Fossil Discovery that Supports Creation and The Bible.


Published on May 6, 2018

How’s it going guys? This is Peet from the FreedomInGod channel. So recently Scientists in Germany discovered the oldest known fossils of moths and butterflies while sifting through what could be described as 200-million-year-old "pond scum" Mysteriously, the fossilized insect remains turned out to be more than 70 million years older than the oldest known fossils of flowering plants, throwing a monkey wrench into how the co-evolution between flowers and their pollinating insects occurred. Using a variety of high-powered microscopes, scientists wanted to see how much evolution occurred in the alleged 200 million years separating the fossils from their modern living versions. But the ancient creatures are exactly the same as the modern ones.1 So, why didn’t they evolve?

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